It is May of 2024 and once again young people from around the US have arrived in Washington, DC to confront big tobacco about their lies and manipulation.  This year, youth advocates have developed the theme, “Same Snake, Different Skin” to emphasize the fact that no matter how often the commercial tobacco company’s reinvent themselves, they are still selling the same deadly products. For the last several years, anti-tobacco industry groups and individuals have come together to organize a day of action and advocacy in Richmond, Virginia at the Philip Morris USA’s annual shareholder meeting in May of each year. In 2020, due to travel restrictions around COVID-19, we decided to hold a virtual (online) week or activities to highlight tobacco industry lies and how to counter them. In 2021 and 2022 we once again held virtual events due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.  This included virtual programming – through social media, training webinars, at-home activities – for fostering youth engagement and mobilizing against the tobacco industry! In 2023, Philip Morris USA announced that they will still not have an in-person shareholders’ meeting but will continue to hold their meeting virtually.  We decided to once again hold in-person trainings and activism activities in Washington DC outside of the Altria lobbyist offices near the US Capital.
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